DXR 100S-41M and DXR 200S-41M

Global technology and market developments require ever more efficient, faster production of increasingly complex products. As world leader in industrial inspection solutions, Waygate Technologies helps manufacturers rise to the challenge of meeting highest safety standards while streamlining production processes.

With the DXR 100S-41M and DXR 200S-41M solutions, we are offering our industry-proven, Dynamic 41 detector technology as a standalone package for retrofits of existing X-ray facilities – from film to Digital Detector Array and image-intensifier based systems. The detectors combine increased sensitivity with higher, consistent image quality, a larger imaging area, faster frame rates, adaptive imaging modes, and a longer lifespan.

The package solutions are designed for application in the engineering and production facilities of the aerospace, aviation, automotive, power generation and medical devices industries, among others. Next to our detectors with a pixel size of 100µm or 200µm that can both be wall or floor mounted,  they include a PC with our patented Rhythm Review and Rhythm Insight RT software as well as all equipment needed for the installation and image transfer.   

DXR 100S/200S-41M
Combining increased detector sensitivity, a larger imaging area, faster frame rates, and adaptive imaging modes.

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Higher, consistent image quality
The Dynamic 41 detector technology excels in signal-to-noise, sharpness and radiographic contrast over a wide dynamic range. Its temperature control allows stable operation ensuring consistent output and inspection repeatability.

Higher resolution
The detector technology of the DXR 100S-41M solution doubles resolution
without cycle time impact compared to state-of-the-art 200 μm pixel size

Faster imaging
Thanks to balanced dose sensitivity and enhanced electronics both DXR 100S-41M and DXR 200S-41M achieve the required radiographic image quality in seconds.

Larger active area
With an active area of 405 x 405mm or 16” x 16”, these detectors allow the inspection of larger components compared to other DDA based solutions.

Longer lifespan in industrial usage
The detectors are designed and optimized for long-term reliability in up to 450kV applications. They come with a tungsten coating for optimum radiation protection, significantly increasing the detector lifetime, without compromising on dose sensitivity.